Published: 13.05.24

Ship Christening ceremony at Bryggen i Bergen

havila Pollux at Bryggen in Bergen
The coastal route ship Havila Pollux was christened today at Bryggen in Bergen under a brilliant sun. The ship's godmother is former Prime Minister Erna Solberg

The sun shone on the ship, crew, and attendees as Havila Pollux received its official christening today.

The ship began operating along the coastal route Bergen-Kirkenes-Bergen in August 2023, and now it was time for the christening.

"Bergen is our turnaround port and a very important port for the coastal route. Therefore, it is a pleasure to christen the ship here," said CEO Bernt Martini during today's christening ceremony.

"It is a great honor for me to be chosen as the godmother for Havila Pollux, and of course, it is extra special when the ship christening takes place here in Bergen," said Erna Solberg.

Erna Solberg er stolt gudmor for Havila PolluxErna Solberg er stolt gudmor for Havila Pollux

-Bergen er vår snuhavn og en veldig viktig havn for kystruten. derfor synes vi det er på sin plass å døpe skipet her, sa administrerende direktør Bernt Martini under dåpsseremonien i dag.

- Det er en stor ære for meg å bli valgt som gudmor for Havila Pollux, og selvfølgelig ekstra stas når den høytidelige skipsdåpen skjer hjemme i Bergen, sa Erna Solberg.

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